How Big Is Too Big? Figuring Out Your Living Space Needs

Mansion with fountain - figuring out your living space needs

Figuring out your living space needs can be a daunting task. How much space do you really need? From an environmental perspective, smaller spaces are better, but if you go too small, you could end up struggling to adapt. So how do you figure it out?

Here we’ll discuss some tips on how to determine the size of home that will fit your living space needs. So whether you’re moving into a new home or just want to make better use of the space you currently have, read on for some helpful advice.

Consider Your Lifestyle 

The way you live very often dictates how much space you need. Whenever you’re browsing through home listings, consider your lifestyle and what it requires. It will give you a clearer picture of what you need in terms of living space.

If you’re having people over often, you may need more space for a bigger common area and a larger dining table. If you’re spending most of your time working from home, then extra space can be used as an office or study.

You should also consider if it’s just two of you living in an apartment or if there are kids involved. A smaller family will generally require less living space than one with children because they’ll want their own rooms eventually. 

Use Your Current Living Space as a Comparison

You should always calculate the size of your current living area to get an idea of the amount of space you need. This will give you a good starting point and can help when looking for apartments or houses.

Remember to take into account the different areas in your home, such as bedrooms, bathrooms, living rooms and kitchens. You’ll also want to consider storage needs and any special requirements you may have, like a home office or guest room. 

By using your current living space as a comparison, you can better figure out what kind of space you need and avoid ending up in a situation where you’re cramped or uncomfortable. See what isn’t working for you at the moment and try using that as a guide for what not to do.

Think About the Furniture 

Orange couch with cushions - figuring out your living space needs

There are a lot of pieces of furniture to have in mind when you’re moving to a new place. A basic list includes the following: 

  • a bed
  • a couch
  • a table
  • chairs
  • a desk
  • a dresser

Have all these in mind when you’re thinking about how much space you’ll need. You might be tempted to get a smaller bed because it’ll take up less space, but if you’re someone who likes to stretch out when sleeping, then you’ll definitely want something bigger. 

Think About How Many People Will Use the Space 

One of the most important factors to consider when thinking about your living space needs is thinking about how many people will use the space. This might sound like an obvious thing, but it does make a big difference. 

A studio apartment may be suitable for one person, but if you’re thinking of sharing your accommodation with another person, then you might to have to think again. You and your partner could find things very crowded in a studio apartment even if it’s very comfortable for just one person by themselves.

Take the Floor Plan Into Account 

Floor plans are the things that determine how much actual space you’re getting. A small house with a well-laid out floor plan will give you more usable space than a larger one that’s less functional.

Take the furniture you want to have into account when you’re looking at floor plans, as well as whether there will be room for people to walk around without bumping into things. 

For example, if your sofa takes up a lot of space and is against one wall, and the only other open wall is to the kitchen, you’ll probably want more space.

Conversely, if you’re using a smaller piece of furniture as your main focal point, and have plenty of open walking space, then you can get away with less living area. 

Estimate How Much Square Footage You Can Afford 

Money also factors in heavily when it comes to figuring out just how much living space you need. It’s not only about the amount of room you’ll have, but also what that space will cost.

A good way to start estimating is by figuring out how much square footage you can afford. This number can vary greatly depending on your location and the current market conditions, so it’s important to get a range based on your specific circumstances.

Living space requirements vary from person to person, and lifestyle to lifestyle. Compare any new place with your current arrangement to see how you might fit into it, and never forget about the furniture.

Think about the number of people who will be living there and the floor plan it has. Finally, decide if you can afford the place. Good luck finding your perfectly sized new home.

Feature image: Ingo Joseph; Image 1: Sean Robbins

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